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Physical Therapy
Speech-Language Pathology
Occupational Therapy
The Strength & Movement Experts
The Communication, Memory & Swallowing Experts
The “Let me show you an easier way” Experts
It Takes a Team
Here are some examples of daily activities that require a team approach to improve independence.
Electronic Communications may require OT for hand strength, fine motor skills and coordination. This skill may also require SLP for memory and cognition training.
Safe mobility may require PT for strength, posture, gait training and assisted device training. OT applies the training learned from PT to safe mobility during activities of daily living.
Wheelchair Mobility often requires PT for postural strengthening, shoulder range of motion and shoulder strengthening. OT works on wheelchair fit (including adjustments), wheelchair positioning, hand strengthening to grasp the wheel and adaptive techniques for activities of daily living from a wheelchair.
Dressing often requires PT for joint range of motion, strengthening, posture as well as balance and stability. Dressing requires OT to improve fine motor skills for buttons and zippers as well as recommendations for specific adaptive equipment. OT also works on energy conservation and adaptive techniques to make it easier. Sometimes SLP is incorporated to improve memory and cognition to improve daily compliance and wardrobe selection.
Social Activities often require PT to improve mobility to make it safely to the activities. It may require OT for fine motor skills and hand strengthening. Activities sometimes requires SLP for memory and cognition to improve performance as well as participation.
Hearing Aid Management often requires OT for hand coordination and fine motor skills. SLP may be required for memory and cognition to improve the understanding of proper usage and maintenance.
Bathing and toileting activities often require PT overall strengthening, balance and stability. OT may be needed for coordination, fine motor skills, energy conservation training, adaptive techniques and recommending specific adaptive equipment.
Pain Management often requires PT to address the source of the pain by exercise, modalities or hands on manual therapy. OT is often beneficial to recommend task modifications or adaptive equipment during activities of daily living to decrease pain.
Eating often requires PT for mobility to make it to the dining room, posture and shoulder strengthening and shoulder range of motion. OT may be needed for fine motor skills, hand coordination, hand strengthening and recommending adaptive techniques and adaptive equipment. SLP may be needed to address chewing or swallowing problems.
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